You are somebody who wants to make social change. You long to have a sense of purpose, meaning, and that great sense of living a life beyond yourself. It is my mission to make it easy for you to make social change. It is my purpose to move you from personal change to social change.
I bet you are troubled with the great problems the world faces and where your place is in making a difference and living a life of impact. The big issues of the world seem insurmountable, but still your heart hurts about the issue we face in our world.
You can make your change happen and we can do it together.
I have been through difficult things in my life, but it is my goal to live a life not defined by those circumstances. I have had systems work against me, I have experienced trauma at the hands of loved ones, and I have had moments where I have not been the person, I was proud to be. I have built a life dedicated to liberation and healing from these wounds. I have made grief my friend and I have figured out how to find my power so that the abuses of power do not take my agency.
I am not perfect, I show up and do my work as I continue to do build upon a legacy of healing, a legacy of world change, and a legacy of generational impact.
I have studied systems, organizations, and the path to personal transformation so I could understand how to build a world that is healing personally, culturally, and institutionally. I believe we are all agents of change if we meet our great healing with the world’s great pain.